12 Spiritual/Self Help Books That Changed My Life

12 Spiritual/Self Help Books That Changed My Life

I love reading, especially #self-help/spiritual books. I would love to have a massive virtual book club one day where I pick a book and we all read it together. Until then you can follow me on Good Reads: Sue Khan | Naked Zero.

Below are 12 books that have helped shape my #spiritual journey. Some of these books I've ready once, others I read over and over. These are the only books I keep in hard copy because I love to share them with others and hope to eventually pass on to my kids one day when they are ready for them.

If you purchase any of the books below using my links, I will get a small commission. These prices are at no addition cost to you, but does help to keep the blog + Naked Zero going.

In no particular order...

  1. What I Know For Sure - Oprah Winfrey

  2. Ask + It Is Given - Esther + Jerry Hicks

  3. You Are A Badass - Jen Sincero

  4. You Are A Badass At Making Money - Jen Sincero

  5. The Untethered Soul - Michael Singer

  6. A Happy Pocketful of Money - David Cameron Gikandi

  7. Outwitting The Devil - Napoleon Hill

  8. Quit Like A Woman - Holly Whitaker

  9. The Happiness Equation - Neil Pasricha

  10. Money + The Law of Attraction - Esther + Jerry Hicks

  11. The Awakened Woman - Dr. Tererai Trent

  12. Daily Stoic - Ryan Holiday

If you are on this #minimalist journey with me, and wondering what to do with books, I download all books on my Kindle and only buy physical copies of those I want to pass along!

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